Social Media Forum
2 days ago the official Instagram account for the Newburgh illuminated festival posted photos stating that the festival would be postponed this year while they strive to reach an agreement with the city of Newburgh. Just today a city of Newburgh government Instagram account posted that the festival has been canceled due to the Newburgh Illuminated Festival corporation not agreeing to changes of the location as well as safety concerns raised by the city of Newburgh. The has not been any updated information posted by the festival at this point.
The city of Newburgh post claims that the festival refused to implement "reasonable safety measures" put in place by the police and fire department which included the city agreeing to extend the time of a festival by one and a half hours so that it ends before dark and that city workers could have more time to clean up after the event, as well as relocate the festival one block on Liberty Street and one block on Broadway so that police fire and first responding vehicles could reach all corners of the festival and as well as the entire city outside of the festival. They claim these safety precautions were rejected by the Newburgh Illuminated corporation.