Black people have created a lot of things in response to the fact that they're not easily accepted in white dominated spaces. Do you think it would be as accepted if there was a website called "white people meet" or a show called "dear black people"?
Why or why not?
They don’t need a separate space. It’s crazy to me how oblivious they are (or pretend to be) of this fact. The society we live in was literally created to cater to white people. I had a discussion with the maintenance guy at my job and mentioned white privilege and he started going on about how he doesn’t think he’s better than anyone. And although all of us were explaining to him what white privilege is and giving examples, he still didn’t get it. Still kept saying he didn’t think he was better. He is also an All Lives/ Blue lives matter guy. He doesn’t see why we need our own things and in fact is offended when we do. (ie offended by BLM because it means white lives don’t)